Xbox 720 to be revealed in June?
Placeholder probably.
However, in the name of stealth, it didn't quite work out.
A look into the technical bits and bobs we want in next gen graphics.
Cevat Yerli explains just why the upcoming next-gen consoles don't fit into his opinion of "next-gen".
Tony Tamasi outlines how quickly the PS4 - and next gen consoles - will be behind PCs.
Coming to multiple platforms.
While expectations shouldn't be raised, fans should keep an eye out in the coming year.
Beats the competition for the 26th straight month.
This is a better explanation from the game director.
All roads point to one eventuality: No more box.
The game could be good.
We know, we know. But you can never be too sure.
Skype and the TV tuner will be huge advantages for Microsoft in the next generation, according to Pachter.
Gives an idea of how the game will look like.
Xbox 720 doesn't seem like a gaming only machine.
The game could be revealed at GDC.,
He also tries to justify it.