Archive For Xbox One Tag

Microsoft Gets Rid of Microsoft Points on Xbox Live

Microsoft Gets Rid of Microsoft Points on Xbox Live

Microsoft finally adopting real currency system

Black Tusk E3 Teaser: New Espionage IP for Xbox One Announced

Black Tusk E3 Teaser: New Espionage IP for Xbox One Announced

In-game footage. That's all we got really.

Crimson Dragon from Panzer Dragoon Creator Now Xbox One Exclusive

Crimson Dragon from Panzer Dragoon Creator Now Xbox One Exclusive

The spiritual successor to the Dragoon series is now in Microsoft's court.

Halo for Xbox One Announced, Releasing in 2014

Halo for Xbox One Announced, Releasing in 2014

The Chief returns, again, in a cloak. Hell yes?

Below: New Fantasy IP Revealed at Microsoft E3 Press Conference

Below: New Fantasy IP Revealed at Microsoft E3 Press Conference

What lies below? Adventure!

Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference Review

Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference Review

Microsoft bring their A game to E3, and hit the ball out of the park.

Forza Motorsport 5 Trailer Showcases Stunning Gameplay, Exotic Cars

Forza Motorsport 5 Trailer Showcases Stunning Gameplay, Exotic Cars

Turn 10 burns some rubber at E3 2013.

D4 Announced for Xbox One: Episodic Murder Mystery from Deadly Premonition Developer

D4 Announced for Xbox One: Episodic Murder Mystery from Deadly Premonition Developer

Gesture based QTEs for Kinect. And a dollop of the bizarre we reckon.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall Gameplay Revealed

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall Gameplay Revealed

Releasing in Spring 2014.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Xbox One to Use SmartGlass, Kinect

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Xbox One to Use SmartGlass, Kinect

Use items and spells with voice commands.

Xbox One Pricing and Release Date Announced: Retails for $499/499 Euro/£429

Xbox One Pricing and Release Date Announced: Retails for $499/499 Euro/£429

To be available this November.

Battlefield 4: Second Assault Arriving First on Xbox One

Battlefield 4: Second Assault Arriving First on Xbox One

Explosions, whee!

Project Spark Showcased for Xbox One: Creation Driven Game Using Kinect

Project Spark Showcased for Xbox One: Creation Driven Game Using Kinect

And other tools, as seems to be the case.

Dead Rising 3 Announced and Exclusive for Xbox One, Massive Zombie Killing Abounds

Dead Rising 3 Announced and Exclusive for Xbox One, Massive Zombie Killing Abounds

Summon an airstrike with SmartGlass.

Quantum Break Gameplay Showcased for Xbox One at E3 2013

Quantum Break Gameplay Showcased for Xbox One at E3 2013

To release alongside TV show of the same name.

Sunset Overdrive Announced by Insomniac Games: Exclusive to Xbox One

Sunset Overdrive Announced by Insomniac Games: Exclusive to Xbox One

Shooting zombies with vinyl records ahoy!

Killer Instinct Announced for Xbox One: Developed by Rare and Double Helix
Ryse: Son of Rome Showcased at Microsoft E3 2013 Conference

Ryse: Son of Rome Showcased at Microsoft E3 2013 Conference

Command troops and battle through Rome in Crytek's Xbox One exclusive.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Announced for Xbox One

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Announced for Xbox One

Yes. For real this time.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – First Screenshot With New DirectX 11 Renderer