Outlast - and outrun - the Infected.
Microsoft takes to combating criticism and fighting a proxy war on Reddit.
So the good news is, Microsoft won't charge a fee.
Simultaneous digital and retail releases for games also planned.
Also, access your library from a different console and enjoy up to one hour of gaming.
At least that's what the Xbox Wire says.
Will be coming to Next-Gen and Current-Gen consoles
Giant mechs warfare.. ohh boy
Visually pretty
Avalanche Studios CTO Linus Blomberg talks Microsoft's recent practices for the Xbox One.
Everything you need to know about Project Cars
Linus Blomberg discusses about the requirements of online connectivity and Kinect 2.0.
New gameplay is always nice
Because reasons.
Co-founder and CTO Linus Blomberg breaks down next gen console tech.
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Wolfenstein The New Order.
Games still being shown at E3 2013 (maybe. Hopefully).
Microsoft gears up for E3 2013.
Line producer Jake Fenske talks facial animation on next gen consoles.