Obsidian Entertainment have, since their inception, been known as makers of some of the greatest RPGs on the market. One of the reasons their games have always had the kind of positive reception they do is how many meaningful choices they present to players, which actually shape the narrative in significant ways and can lead to hugely divergent endings.
That tradition will continue with their upcoming The Outer Worlds as well. While speaking in an interview with DualShockers, lead designer Charles Staples spoke about how much players’ choices will impact the ending, revealing that the game will end with slides the way RPGs often do, and that these can be “drastically” changed based on your choices throughout your playthrough.
“We are ending the game with end slides that say this is the outcome of the game based on your choices and actions,” said Staples. “Based off of different things that you’ve done, it will have drastically different effects.”
The Outer Worlds is due out later this year, but an exact release date for it hasn’t yet been announced. It’ll be out for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC- where it will be available only on the Epic Games Store, as well as the Windows Store. Recently, we were able to see twenty of minutes of gameplay from the first person RPG- take a look through here.