Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds may not be the most bombastic title showcased at E3 2019. However, gameplay footage has looked incredibly good, highlighting the exceptional world-building done by the development team. Check out the latest gameplay footage below, with Obsidian’s Leonard Boyarsky and Brian Hines at the recent E3 Coliseum event (courtesy of Gameslice).
Starting at about 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the presentation, the demo is roughly 22 minutes long. It features our hero and his companions – Ellie and the newly revealed Nyoka – heading off to deal with someone named Clive. Throughout the demo, we get a look at dialogue trees and how certain options are greyed out, depending on your stat choices.
While in combat, it’s possible to use Tactical Time Dilation (akin to Fallout 3/4’s V.A.T.S.) to slow down time and aim at specific body parts. Depending on where you aim, it’s possible to maim, blind, and cripple enemies. One cool aspect of the demo was Nyoka’s chain gun, which becomes more powerful if you spec into the Leadership tree of abilities.
The Outer Worlds is out on October 25th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It will be a timed exclusive for the Epic Games Store on PC, but is also coming to Xbox Game Pass at launch.