There are several occasions throughout the year worth celebrating for your average player of video games. There are the various Steam Sales that see price drops by the dozens, thus allowing you to buy games in bulk. There’s Gamescom, a conference that’s fairly awesome and allows your average person to play the games on hand. PlayStation Experience and The Game Awards have become big deals in their own right, even without all the high-profile reveals and announcements.
But one such event serves as the quintessential celebration of video games. It’s that time of the year where the biggest names come together to show off the biggest games. It’s where the release calendar for the year is pretty much set, which months we look forward to what and how to budget our time and money accordingly. Naturally we’re talking about the Electronic Entertainment Expo, beginning this year on June 10th with EA Play and running for an entire week. Bethesda, Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft and even Devolver Digital will try to wow us and as much as it’s about marketing, E3 2017 is the place to learn about the biggest upcoming titles from your favourite studios.
Rather than walk in and try to consume everything, we decided to choose the top 25 games to look out for at E3 2017. Some of these aren’t even confirmed to be appearing. Others have had a wealth of information and footage showcased; E3 will just be the place to solidify their position. Project Scorpio may be the biggest reveal to look forward to but in terms of games, here are the 25 titles we’re most excited to see.
Call of Duty: WWII
Activision has already announced that it will be debuting the multiplayer component of Call of Duty: WWII at E3 2017. That means the new War game mode could be showcased along with a closer look at the new social hubs. Expect footage from a single-player mission, as the company has always done over the years, and bask in the World War 2 nostalgia. Is it too much to ask for Normandy? We feel like they’d save it for later. There’s not much more to expect from Call of Duty: WWII aside from how the lack of health regeneration and AI teammates will work. Thankfully, that and the multiplayer are just enough to keep us interested throughout.