The Halo TV series is certainly shaping up to be one of the more promising media adaptations of video games, and Microsoft will be adding yet another perk to its Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription service to let gamers enjoy this TV show.
As announced in a recent Xbox Wire Post, subscribers of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will have access to a 30-day free trial of Paramount+ starting from March 23. The Halo TV series starts streaming on Paramount+ starting March 24th.
It isn’t yet confirmed whether this is a timed perk or a permanent one, so its best that fans claim it as soon as possible. Xbox Game Pass has certainly been a smash success for Microsoft, and with a regular influx of quality content on the platform – the future is looking really bright for the service.
Andrew Shouldice’s highly-anticipated indie Tunic also shadow dropped on the service at launch – read more on that through here.