Bayonetta 3 – ESRB and PEGI Ratings Appear on Nintendo Store Listings

The hack and slash title could receive an announcement soon, perhaps relating to its release date. It's set to launch this year.

Posted By | On 12th, Jul. 2022


PlatinumGames’ Bayonetta 3 has had quite a long wait, initially announced in 2017 and receiving its first gameplay last year. It’s set to launch this year and while a release date hasn’t been announced, it may be coming soon. Vestan on ResetEra noted that the official Nintendo store listings have been updated with ESRB and PEGI ratings.

Rated “M” for Mature due to “Violence, Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Strong Language,” the title also seemingly has in-app purchases (which could be for DLC or pre-order bonuses). On the UK store page, it has a PEGI 18 Provisional rating. While this doesn’t seem like a big deal, scrolling through the Wayback Machine indicates the change is very recent, at least on the US store listing.

Perhaps Nintendo will drop some new information soon, if not host a new Direct providing updates on all of its first-party titles and exclusives. Bayonetta 3 is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch and sees the titular character returning for the first time since Bayonetta 2 in 2014. She can directly control Summons now, which was noted by former producer Jean Pierre Kellams to be “VERY similar” to Scalebound’s dragon control. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

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