Archive For Editorials Category

Editorial: Skyrim PS3 – Shoddy product and broken dreams

Editorial: Skyrim PS3 – Shoddy product and broken dreams

An epic tale of all-round incompetence by various parties.

Editorial: Wrestling in Games: WWE’s “Product Defining Play Experience” Flakiness

Editorial: Wrestling in Games: WWE’s “Product Defining Play Experience” Flakiness

In search for that perfect WWE game.

Editorial: Sleeping Dogs – the perfect composite game

Editorial: Sleeping Dogs – the perfect composite game

Wei, they don’t love you like I love you.

Editorial: Courting F2P To Avoid PC Bungles: A Ubisoft Saga

Editorial: Courting F2P To Avoid PC Bungles: A Ubisoft Saga

In this year, the free-to-play market has grown by leaps and bounds. We got the exquisite Tribes: Ascend, which did things right by throwing a coffin-load of content at you for a paltry sum. It also o... Read More

Editorial: Dark Souls PC port: When nectar becomes poison

Editorial: Dark Souls PC port: When nectar becomes poison

It was one of the most pleasant announcements ever; one that was music to the ears of every PC gamer out there and some. One of the best games of this generation was heading to the platform; a game wi... Read More

Alternate Paths and Multiple Endings: Tying it Together for Mass Effect 3

Alternate Paths and Multiple Endings: Tying it Together for Mass Effect 3

The most hilarious thing about Bioware, in light of the Mass Effect 3 ending controversy, is how it’s really “all on them”. Previous so-called “controversies”, such as the Fox News debacle... Read More

Editorial: Why Tokyo Game Show is vital for the PS Vita

Editorial: Why Tokyo Game Show is vital for the PS Vita

Sony's E3 2012 performance was something that many people didn't see coming. At a time when the Vita is going through severe growth pangs as a product, it was imperative for Sony to at least create so... Read More

Editorial: a square PEGI in a round hole?

Editorial: a square PEGI in a round hole?

Ever since its inception in 1912, the British Board of Film Classification has been the stalwart shining beacon of hope in an otherwise filthy sea of puerile perversion, or so the legend goes. Nowaday... Read More

FIFA 13: Here’s Why You Should Look Forward To It

FIFA 13: Here’s Why You Should Look Forward To It

[HTML1] FIFA 13 is the latest installment in EA's prestigious football franchise which is set to hit the shelves on Friday 28th September. But what do we know about the game so far? First let’s ta... Read More

Editorial: A Tale of Triplets: Innovation vs Immersion at E3 2012

Editorial: A Tale of Triplets: Innovation vs Immersion at E3 2012

Once upon, there was something called the Electronic Entertainment Expo, mystically referred to at times as "E3". E3 was the gaming conference of the year, drastically altering an industry's fiscal y... Read More

Editorial: Sony’s Gaikai acquisition and the PS4 backwards compatibility dilemma

Editorial: Sony’s Gaikai acquisition and the PS4 backwards compatibility dilemma

Sony recently announced that they have acquired Gaikai - a cloud gaming service. Of course, there were rumors of this well before E3, and while both companies had declined that anything of this so... Read More

Retrospective: Uncharted Drake’s Fortune – The Best Uncharted Game

Retrospective: Uncharted Drake’s Fortune – The Best Uncharted Game

In a way, even though Uncharted: Drake's Fortune didn't reach the towering heights of its successor, I still consider it as the best Uncharted game. This isn't a controversial opinion, and I'm not the... Read More

Halo 4 could turn out to be the best Halo game yet

Halo 4 could turn out to be the best Halo game yet

[HTML1] Halo 4 is something almost everyone expected Microsoft to announce, but we weren't sure whether Master Chief would be back or it's actually a start of a new trilogy, but it did happen. The ga... Read More

What Sony Needs To Do To Revive The PS Vita

What Sony Needs To Do To Revive The PS Vita

Let's be honest- the PS Vita is in poor shape right now. Other than Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush and a few others, it has very little games, it hasn't got a very strong upcoming lineup, Sony ... Read More

Editorial: Here’s how Nintendo can make Wii U appealing to hardcore gamers

Editorial: Here’s how Nintendo can make Wii U appealing to hardcore gamers

It's clear that with the Wii, Nintendo had lost its way and alienated a section of audience which can be called as the 'hardcore gamers'. Let me be serious here, I hate those words, but there do... Read More

Guns, breasts and gaming’s small-man complex

Guns, breasts and gaming’s small-man complex

“Nice one guys, you've single-handedly set back the maturity of the games industry by 15 years with your utterly puerile display of ridiculous adolescent tittery.” said Twitter, myself included, u... Read More

Diablo 3 fiasco: People have to take a stand against always-online DRM

Diablo 3 fiasco: People have to take a stand against always-online DRM

It's been a decade since Diablo 2 was released and people understandably are very excited for its sequel, Diablo 3. According to Blizzard, the game already has two million pre-orders and it looks se... Read More

Jetpack Joyride is the best iOS game, and here’s why you need to play it

Jetpack Joyride is the best iOS game, and here’s why you need to play it

Okay, people. iOS gaming is not true gaming? I say, bullshit! It is, and it just found its killer app. The game I'm talking about is Jetpack Joyride, and it is so incredibly well made and suited for t... Read More

Editorial: Crytek have a Crysis on their hands

Editorial: Crytek have a Crysis on their hands

Crysis 3 is going to be a really vital game for Crytek, and they know it. They also make graphic engines and they need to showcase that well by creating impressive games for other studios to license... Read More

Why I played Skyrim for more than 150 hours

Why I played Skyrim for more than 150 hours

It's not often that a game comes along where I devote my entire weekends to it and get lost in its world. When such a game does come, it usually ends up in my most memorable list. One such game is S... Read More