We look back on the awesome madness of the Just Cause games.
What remains in the original game? What was removed?
We analyze the Xbox One hardware and strategies to try and determine what it will cost.
A preliminary analysis of the two upcoming systems.
And why, honestly, it's alright.
The tangent between crowd-funding and transparency with Precursor's first game.
The gameplay reveal of Infinity Ward's next at the next Xbox event on May 21st is suspicious.
Just how important is innovation in this era of shooters?
Heavy Rain is no standard for art in video games, despite what Quantic Dream thinks.
Giving shape to one's demons, both psychologically and metaphysically, yields great results.
And it has nothing to do with being always online.
Looking at the yearly sequel formula in a different light.
The greatest strategy game of all time returns, triumphant.
How will the game fit into the trilogy and incorporate the aspect of "Arkham"?
Beligerent comments only mask the inevitable - a repeat of the PC DRM fiascoes.
It's nice to be epic but what about the shorter, more focused experiences?
Kojima does it again, in more ways than one.
And oh my goodness, is there a lot of "meh".
Living as the legend, rather than living to become one.