Archive For Editorials Category

Forward Unto 2013: Major Headlines of 2012 That Will Culminate Next Year (Part 1)

Forward Unto 2013: Major Headlines of 2012 That Will Culminate Next Year (Part 1)

It was truly a year - and it will continue into the next.

Next Generation Consoles PlayStation 4 And Xbox 720 Preview – A Look Ahead At 2013

Next Generation Consoles PlayStation 4 And Xbox 720 Preview – A Look Ahead At 2013

Will we be seeing the successors to the HD twins in 2013?

The Walking Dead vs. Mass Effect 3: Consequences and Endings

The Walking Dead vs. Mass Effect 3: Consequences and Endings

They're both the same, and they're both inevitable. So why is one's ending so much better?

The War Z: Paralleling the Gaming of Systems

The War Z: Paralleling the Gaming of Systems

Do missing game features include a working game at launch?

3DS: Year In Review And A Look Ahead At 2013

3DS: Year In Review And A Look Ahead At 2013

How was Nintendo's performance in the handheld market this year?

Far Cry 3: A Look Back At One of 2012’s Gems

Far Cry 3: A Look Back At One of 2012’s Gems

Far Cry 3 ends 2012 with a bang.

Valve’s Steam Box: Why It Won’t Arrive Till Late 2014 to Early 2015

Valve’s Steam Box: Why It Won’t Arrive Till Late 2014 to Early 2015

Don't count on Valve's hardware to see release for a while.

Dark Souls 2: Is ‘accessibility’ a word you should be wary of?

Dark Souls 2: Is ‘accessibility’ a word you should be wary of?

Sounds promising...

Forza Horizon – Season Pass DLC Impressions

Forza Horizon – Season Pass DLC Impressions

Is it worth your money?

Five Reasons PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Is A Smashing Game

Five Reasons PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Is A Smashing Game

Five good reasons to love PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

FUSE: Colouring in All the Wrong Numbers

FUSE: Colouring in All the Wrong Numbers

Apparently, "more colour" was the only feedback Ted Price decided was worth implementing.

Dance Central 3 Gangnam Style DLC Impressions

Dance Central 3 Gangnam Style DLC Impressions

Worth buying? Of course it is.

Not A Very Moving Experience

Not A Very Moving Experience

We take a look back at Sports Champions 2.

2012: Gaming’s Year of Disappointments, Big and Small

2012: Gaming’s Year of Disappointments, Big and Small

We look back on how, among other things, 2012 was defined by its range of disappointments.

The Walking Dead Changes the Way You Look At Games

The Walking Dead Changes the Way You Look At Games

What makes this game so special?

Bioshock Infinite: Standing Tall for the Beast of America

Bioshock Infinite: Standing Tall for the Beast of America

Its cover art may seem simple, but as always, there's a deeper meaning.

Wii U Doom and Gloom: Perfectly Explained, Perfectly Unjustified

Wii U Doom and Gloom: Perfectly Explained, Perfectly Unjustified

The atmosphere around the Wii U is a little skewed these days, no?

Half-Life 3: Why It Doesn’t Matter Right Now

Half-Life 3: Why It Doesn’t Matter Right Now

And why it could all just be part of a bigger picture.

Is Black Ops 2 the Best Call of Duty Game Since Modern Warfare?

Is Black Ops 2 the Best Call of Duty Game Since Modern Warfare?

Does changing the formula work for Call of Duty?

2012: Bad Year For Video Game Endings?

2012: Bad Year For Video Game Endings?

Have games generally had disappointing conclusions this year?