The game is now available.
Okay, that looks badass.
One mech, many vehicles.
A new Strike mission and Exotic Weapon to be made available for PlayStation users.
No new players will be able to join the game as of today.
Through the looking glass and into your friend's game.
Emagon emerges as a mystery.
No official comments as yet, give it time
Facing DDOS issues from Lizard Squad.
Microsoft's Bing have published a list of popular search terms of 2014.
Square Enix is exploring the possibility of a current gen release.
'Unless they increase their derisory offer to slightly less derisory,' says Jim Piddock.
Matchmaking, invite, connectivity, performance, you name it.
PC and Xbox One players will enjoy Deep Silver's action adventure a month later.
"New looks" of both games promised going into the PS Experience.
The first episode drops in February with a new episode each week.
Begins on December 2nd and ends on December 19th.
And so far, it's looking both good and somewhat average.
Nintendo, get your act together.
'This is the reality we live in.'