And well deserved it is!
Bobble heads that like to go wibble wobble.
Love them or hate them. They're rolling it.
New stuff is good stuff.
And here...we....go!
Still rather pretty looking, who would've guessed?
Can it be Nazis? Let it be Nazis.
15 minutes of it.
This looks so intriguing.
A new take on MOBAs?
Also coming to 3DS in 2015.
With a staggering 50% attach rate.
PS4 version of the game now available to download ahead of the game's release.
Lets you play the first three chapters of the game.
The tortured saga of this game's development comes to an end.
Xbox One S?
Weep, for there is no Atlus and no Persona 5.
Xbox One and PC still playable.
A few other surprises also promised.
Bounce the ball into a hoop and win it big!