Windows Phone 8 version not yet available.
A collaboration and based on a classic game - what could it be?
Total industry sales continue to drop, totaling $593.3 million for June.
Naughty Dog's critically acclaimed action adventure scores big.
Go dark with the Worms on handheld this Fall.
Nintendo releases brand new assets.
For iOS and Android devices.
A sequel to the original has been announced.
This could be a plus for Microsoft.
Users can vote to have the game made available on Steam.
ArenaNet's online RPG keeps growing.
A new trailer touts the coming of the end.
The PS4 launch title will make an appearance this August.
'It’s a real shame that they don’t want to join the party just yet.'
'But the totality of the content in the game takes a lot longer to complete.'
CEO Brendan Iribe also talks about the lack of a clear release date for Rift.
It's "team-killing with magic" season again.
Check out what you expect from the current beta.
Become what they fear most...or kill 'em, whatever works.
Patrice Desilets says video games "need to talk about something else".