Archive For News Category

Pokemon Black and White Releasing in Japan September 18

Pokemon Black and White Releasing in Japan September 18

While the rest of the world will have to wait until early next year for the launch of the eagerly anticipated fifth generation of Pokemon, Japan gets dibs on it, as with other games in the franchise. ... Read More

Dead Rising 2 Gets Delayed By A Month

Dead Rising 2 Gets Delayed By A Month

For any of you who were looking forward to the sequel to Capcom's zombie swarming adventure, you'll have to wait just a little longer. IGN announces that Capcom has delayed Dead Rising 2 by a month in... Read More

Scratch That Last, The 3DS Might Release This Year After All

Scratch That Last, The 3DS Might Release This Year After All

So, remember how Reggie went on to state on national television that the 3DS would not be releasing this year? Remember how he pegged it for a Q1 2011 release? Yeah, well, apparently, he was mistaken.... Read More

Napolean Total War: The Pennisular Campaign released

Napolean Total War: The Pennisular Campaign released

SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that Napoleon: Total War – The Peninsular Campaign is now available for PC exclusively via Steam. This expansion pack includes a brand new campaign map featuring 32 ... Read More

Final Fantasy 4 Heroes release date announced

Final Fantasy 4 Heroes release date announced

Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT, for the Nintendo DS syste... Read More

Warren Spector: The 3DS Has Changed My Life

Warren Spector: The 3DS Has Changed My Life

... Talk about a case of extreme enthusiasm. Warren Spector, creator of such games as System Shock, Thief, and the upcoming Wii exclusive Disney's Epic Mickey, seems to have issued one of the most... Read More

Hideo Kojima Comes Clean Once and for All, Says He Will Continue To Make More Metal Gear Games

Hideo Kojima Comes Clean Once and for All, Says He Will Continue To Make More Metal Gear Games

So, remember when Kojima said he was through with the Metal Gear series, and that this game would be his last in the classic franchise? What's that? Which time am I referring to? Oh, it doesn't matter... Read More

The New Xbox 360 Is Crashing Thanks to Overheating. Oh, Wait…

The New Xbox 360 Is Crashing Thanks to Overheating. Oh, Wait…

The original Xbox 360 will go down in history as one of the most explosive devices ever created. Like, literally (although technically, the Xbox 360 imploded, and not exploded, as popular internet jar... Read More

A Look at Donkey Kong Country Returns

A Look at Donkey Kong Country Returns

President of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime gave us a good look at the forthcoming Donkey Kong Wii exclusive title, Donkey Kong Countrey Returns. The game looks really good, and it feels go... Read More

Square Enix Considering Bringing Final Fantasy V and VI to the 3DS

Square Enix Considering Bringing Final Fantasy V and VI to the 3DS

Is all this 3DS news overload pissing you off? Don't worry, we've got more of it for you. Here. So if anyone here was feeling reasonably confident after the wild success of the DS remakes of Final ... Read More

Reggie Confirms 3DS Not Releasing Until 2011

Reggie Confirms 3DS Not Releasing Until 2011

So if you guys have been holding out for a holiday release of Nintendo's shiny new handheld, don't. Reggie Fils-Aime, the beefy and frankly terrifying head of Nintendo of America, has gone ahead and c... Read More

3DS is a Friggin’ Graphical Powerhouse

3DS is a Friggin’ Graphical Powerhouse

Just in case there were any of you who were still doubting the 3DS and what it can do (in which case, I really must ask you: how?), we've got final proof that the successor to the world conquering Nin... Read More

iPhone 4 signal problems explained

iPhone 4 signal problems explained

Apple has just responded to the many bad feed backs about the iPhone 4 signal problems, saying that its due to the fact that your not holding it correctly. Just like the older iPhone, there is a a ... Read More

Activision: GoldenEye Wii Exclusivity a Good Deal

Activision: GoldenEye Wii Exclusivity a Good Deal

With the recent announcement of a GoldenEye remake exclusively for the Wii, talks surrounding the game have been floating around- some say the decision is a brilliant one, and that the Wii is the perf... Read More

New info about Metal Gear Arcade, Peace Walker, and Love Plus

New info about Metal Gear Arcade, Peace Walker, and Love Plus

During a recent interview with Konami CEO Fumiaki Tanaka, he said that he has high hopes regarding the sales of Peace Walker, and he expects it to sell more than 3 million units worldwide.  And so fa... Read More

No Final Fantasy XIV on the 360, LIVE too “Closed”

No Final Fantasy XIV on the 360, LIVE too “Closed”

Sqaure Enix recently confirmed that Final Fantasy XIV will remain an exclusive to the PS3, and blamed the decision on Microsoft's 'closed' infrastructure. Apparently, Xbox LIVE, Micrsoft's online serv... Read More

Sony Not Intersted in 3D PSP

Sony Not Intersted in 3D PSP

Sony has just lied that they have no plans at all for a 3D PSP. Why they are lying, you might ask? Because they have been known to rip stuff off from popular and successful Nintendo consoles- yes, spe... Read More

Kojima making all-new Metal Gear Solid?

Kojima making all-new Metal Gear Solid?

Even though Hideo Kojima is hard at work with his new role as the executive producer of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, sources close to Kojima Productions have said that Kojima might actually be working o... Read More

Kinect to be Demoed in Game, HMV

Kinect to be Demoed in Game, HMV

GAME and HMV will be demoing Microsoft's all new motion sensor, Kinect in-store to please the UK public. "The key to Kinect and to getting customers is obviously all about demonstration," head of U... Read More

Bad Company Co-op DLC = Hurray!

Bad Company Co-op DLC = Hurray!

EA and Dice have just released some new DLC for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and it's called "Onslaught", which means you have to get ready to face off against waves and waves of enemies who just want ... Read More