For the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of what id Software’s DOOM Eternal brings to the table. From Master Levels and Nightmare difficulty to a Unicorn outfit for the Slayer, there’s a lot for players to rip and tear through at launch. A new trailer from PlayStation helps to break down some of the core mechanics necessary for survival – check it out below.
Perhaps the best part of the trailer is explaining how 1Up icons work. Instead of dying and restarting at a checkpoint, a 1Up icon will make the Doom Slayer temporarily invulnerable. This allows for repositioning and continuing the fight, ideally avoiding death a second time.
Otherwise, many of the tactics will look familiar to fans. Burn enemies with the shoulder-mounted flamethrower to restore armor or chainsaw them for ammunition. Exploit enemy weaknesses with weapon mods, though this could result in the enemy using different tactics. Dash around and punch demons in the face.
DOOM Eternal is out on March 20th for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia. Stay tuned for more details in the coming days.