Along with the final trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and the announcement of a free demo coming soon, Square Enix also released a near-12 minute overview trailer of the title. Director Naoki Hamaguchi starts by showcasing the massive world map with all regions “seamlessly interconnected.
Players start in the Grasslands but can traverse to Junon, a city where Shinra holds sway; the Corel region where Costa del Sol and the Gold Saucer await; the Gongaga region with Zack’s hometown; Cosmo Canyon, Red XIII’s roots; the Nibel region where Cloud and Tifa grew up; Shinra Manor, where Vincent resides; and Meridian Ocean.
As players explore, they can collect World Intel for Chadley to create new Materia. There are various activities, but the most intriguing are the “sanctuaries brimming with knowledge of divine entities” and “lairs inhabited by fearsome unique foes.” You’ll also research Protorelics, each having a side story and colorful cast of characters, mini-games and enemies. It’s also teased that recovering all the Protorelics could result in “new developments.”
Cloud can also undertake various Odd Jobs for people, teaming up with different party members and strengthening their bonds. Johnny returns, and while his quest uses some aspects of the original game, it also has Rebirth-exclusive content. Story progression won’t affect Odd Jobs, allowing you to return to them later.
As for the Gold Saucer mini-games, 3D Brawler, G-Bike and Chocobo Racing are showcased. Some are also brand new to Rebirth, like Queen’s Blood, where players can collect cards, build decks and challenge other characters. Other mini-games from the original’s main scenario are fleshed out, like the Junon parade sequence.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is out on February 29th for PS5. Head here for details on the Performance and Quality Modes.