Octopath Traveler sold out almost immediately upon its release in Japan, causing Square Enix to apologize for stock shortages, and requesting fans to bear with them, and maybe look into getting the downloadable version of the game. The game actually got restocked over the weekend, a week after its initial launch- and that restock ended up selling out across the country in just three hours.
This second instance of the game selling out has actually prompted Square Enix to issue a second apology for the stock shortages, also noting that even with upcoming restocks, the game may be in limited supply, and pointing users, yet again, to look into the digital version of the game if they can’t snag a physical copy. Of course, given how averse to digital media Japan traditionally is, I am not fully sure that might work out.
Japan isn’t the only place Octopath has done well- we know it has done well across all of Europe too, and that it is backordered on Amazon in the US by 1-2 months. On the whole, it seems like the game has struck a chord with RPG fans around the world, and for good reason too. It’s an excellent game- you can read our review here. Octopath Traveler is available now, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.
お待たせして大変申し訳ありません。よろしければダウンロード版もご検討いただければと存じます。#オクトパストラベラー— オクトパストラベラーII公式 (OCTOPATH TRAVELER II) (@OCTOPATH_PR) July 20, 2018