
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Skyrim Dominate February PSN DLC Charts

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Skyrim Dominate February PSN DLC Charts

The top 5 positions for the previous month show Bethesda and Treyarch in the lead.

Xbox 720 Trying To Be The Center of The Living Room, Is Not Only About The Games

Xbox 720 Trying To Be The Center of The Living Room, Is Not Only About The Games

Xbox 720 doesn't seem like a gaming only machine.

Battlefield 4: DICE Ramping Up Development, Moving On To ‘Exciting Things’

Battlefield 4: DICE Ramping Up Development, Moving On To ‘Exciting Things’

The game could be revealed at GDC.,

Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Releasing on April 1st for 800 Microsoft Points

Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Releasing on April 1st for 800 Microsoft Points

ForgeWorld is rumoured to be returning, along with three new maps.

Destiny New Details Revealed: Performance Capture, Technology Behind The Grognok Engine Explained

Destiny New Details Revealed: Performance Capture, Technology Behind The Grognok Engine Explained

They have reworked the engine to support Destiny.

Battlefield 4: Fans demand DICE to add AI And Bots for Multiplayer Maps

Battlefield 4: Fans demand DICE to add AI And Bots for Multiplayer Maps

He also tries to justify it.

PS4 and The Next Xbox To Sell 85-95 Million Units – Analysts

PS4 and The Next Xbox To Sell 85-95 Million Units – Analysts

Expects the Next Xbox to follow suit.

‘PS4 will out-power most PCs for years to come’ – Avalanche Studios CTO
10 Unique Ways That Sony Can Use Gaikai For The PS4

10 Unique Ways That Sony Can Use Gaikai For The PS4

How will Sony finally put Gaikai to use?

Toki Tori 2 Preview

Toki Tori 2 Preview

Toki Tori 2 ambles on to the Wii U, giving us a very different kind of platformer than what you'd expect.

God of War: Ascension’s Controversial ‘Bros before Hos’ Trophy Video
Sony’s Howard Stringer retiring in June

Sony’s Howard Stringer retiring in June

Stringer will be the chairman of the American Film Institute even after retiring.

The Witness Dev “Had a Bad Time” With Microsoft, “Happy to Work” With Sony

The Witness Dev “Had a Bad Time” With Microsoft, “Happy to Work” With Sony

He breaks down the reasons for The Witness hitting PS4 first.

Borderlands 2 Trailer Teases New Vault Hunter

Borderlands 2 Trailer Teases New Vault Hunter

The silhouette of a deranged experiment was showcased at SXSW.

Anonymous EA Employee Criticizes SimCity Launch: “We Should Be Better Than This”

Anonymous EA Employee Criticizes SimCity Launch: “We Should Be Better Than This”

Criticism of Maxis' latest city simulator isn't limited to gamers.

Richard Garriott Returns with Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter

Richard Garriott Returns with Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter

Lord British returns to the fold with a fantasy RPG setting.

SCE Santa Monica: “There’s Still Life in Kratos” After God of War Ascension

SCE Santa Monica: “There’s Still Life in Kratos” After God of War Ascension

The Ghost of Sparta will never die.

Free game for people who bought SimCity – EA

Free game for people who bought SimCity – EA

Well that's one way to calm down the crowd.

Super Meat Boy Dev to Skip Next Generation of Consoles

Super Meat Boy Dev to Skip Next Generation of Consoles

Don't expect the next Meat Boy on either PS4 or Xbox 720 without some changes.

The Last of Us Demo included in GoW: Ascension will only be available in May