There are very few franchises out there that have as many iconic, memorable locations as Resident Evil does. From level design to art style to atmosphere, Resident Evil locations have consistently (more or less) been the kind that stick with you forever. This is a feature dedicated to them. Here, we’re going to rank the mainline Resident Evil games based on how much (or how little, in a few cases) we like their settings.
Resident Evil 6 is a full-blown globe-trotting adventure, and it’s precisely because of that reason that the game loses so much of what makes Resident Evil so good. In its attempts to take players from one location to the next in a series of set piece moments and action sequences, it forgets to actually do much with its locations. They’re not designed very well, most of them look very generic, and almost all of them without fail serve as little more than shooting galleries. The locations that you find yourselves in have often been a crucial part of the experience in this series throughout the years, and RE6 is perhaps one of the only games where that wasn’t the case.