Looking back, it’s clear that Housemarque’s roguelike shooter Returnal has easily been one of the highlights of 2021, and though there’s certainly no shortage of content in the game, its fans (of which there’s quite a few) would love nothing more than the chance to dive into more new content. And it seems that Housemarque might be teasing that.
The Finnish developer recently took to Twitter and tweeted out a cryptic tease, showing an imagine that doesn’t look like a familiar sight from the game at all. The text accompanying it – which simply reads “Atropos…?” – could also be suggesting that what’s being shown in the picture is not from the planet that the game is set on.
Could Housemarque be teasing a new Returnal expansion that won’t be taking place on Atropos? The tease here – if it is indeed a tease – is a rather vague one, so it’s hard to be sure about what exactly it means, but it’s certainly caught many people’s attention.
Of course, with The Game Awards coming up – and with this year’s show looking to be more packed than ever – there’s the possibility that if Sony and Housemarque do have plans for a DLC, it could be announced at the event. Earlier this year, it was confirmed that Returnal had sold over half a million copies since launch, so clearly there’s a large enough player base there to justify releasing new content. Here’s hoping, anyway.
Returnal is available exclusively on PS5. You can read our review of the game through here.