Your thirst has a price.
Steal their hearts.
Dare I hope for no more delays?
Everything you need to know before you buy the game.
Reality viewed through fantasy.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Take your heart.
Yes to all of these, please?
New videos give some background info to story.
Oddly compelling and with a unique, distinct flavor of its own, Yakuza 0 is the best place for new fans to jump in.
Take your heart.
Well, that was unexpected...
Seriously, stop asking.
The subtitle is 'A Fool's Journey'.
Atlus issues a press release regarding its upcoming JRPG.
Over Final Fantasy 15 and The Last Guardian.
New IP meant for home consoles, new Persona game announcement may be coming early next year.
New game, not Persona or Shin Megami Tensei.
And this is before the western release of Persona 5!
The newest member of the Phantom Thieves.