Spoilers inside.
If it ever releases, that is.
Own Dark Souls 2 on Steam and want the new update? Here's how you can get it.
Maybe this is the long awaited PC release of Zestiria?
By showing off a game you simply cannot seem to get your hands on.
More new faces may be coming over our way.
First DLC update out today adds new characters and quests.
Looks cool, and all that.
It's officially in The Last Guardian category now.
Everything you need to know about Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.
There's more than just Milan in this game.
Take the race to Milan in this newest trailer.
Another Japanese game coming to PC is always a good thing.
Brawling on volcanoes. Nuff said.
Lucario in all of his offscreen glory.
Bandai Namco's free to play multiplayer action title is available in early form.
DriveClub's got some competition.
Director Katsuhiro Harada says 40 staff members are still working on it.