Some of the most disappointing exclusive launches we've seen on the Xbox One.
Perhaps these hype trains shouldn't have left the station.
Looks can be deceiving, especially for the initial footage and graphical details for these games.
Xbox Parties are currently slated to release in two to three weeks.
Recent titles like Far Cry New Dawn and Metro: Exodus face drops in sales.
Get ready to crack down your enemies in Crackdown 3 using our guide!
Microsoft's open world title is reaping the benefits of being on Game Pass.
Crackdown 3, meanwhile, has failed to make it into the top 10.
We also compare the Xbox One X, Xbox One and PC versions of Crackdown 3 against each other.
Skills for kills, Agents.
The feature has officially been confirmed as part of the game’s post launch roadmap.
It could be a part of the game’s post launch support, however.
The long awaited and often delayed Crackdown 3 is almost here- here's what you need to know about it.
A list of console as well as timed exclusives coming to your Xbox One and Xbox One X in 2019 and beyond.
For an open world game, that seems a little bit short.
Tons of big name sequels clash with some awesome new IPs in February.
Reviews for the open world title will supposedly start coming in four days before launch.
As opposed to being limited by technical constraints, as was initially suggested.
"There’s so much stuff that you need to keep in memory, due to the destruction, that there are limits," says Jorg Neumann.
Though the Azure-based destruction took a "lot of investment", the additional time helped the campaign side as well, as per Joseph Staten.