Check out the AE4 energy assault rifle in action.
With the release of the expansion, Bungie and Activision will be featuring DLC Strikes "periodically".
Respond to a distress call off the shores of Sunset City.
Currently limited to standalone DLC; Xbox One users not suffering.
DLC that lets you smash up Zombies. Let's be having it then.
Also includes a new challenge area with The Holodrome Onslaught.
A new Strike mission and Exotic Weapon to be made available for PlayStation users.
Evolution Studios' continues to patch and fix up its social racing sim.
More tracks? More tracks.
Set to premiere in 2015.
Ubisoft Montreal CEO apologizes for various issues plaguing the game.
Rain death and destruction on your enemies in-game; listen to hot tunes outside of it.
Not the greatest offering, but there's a hidden gem.
Mmmmmm cheap stuff
Two DLCs per week for any one who owns a copy - physical or digital - of the game.
There will be other ways to obtain the DLC according to Activision.
Retailer GameStop confirms zombies for those who purchase the season pass for $50.
Link racing on Yoshi. Oooh yeah.
PS4 and Steam releases expected "soon".
Xbox 360 players will finally get their hands on the three new maps.