An official confirmation.
Not too long now... almost there...
Well dang, that looks awesome.
Slow down there, Activision...
"The Xbox one X is kind of equivalent to a GTX 1070 PC."
Won't be added to the "base" Battle Royale experience.
Says more news coming "later this year."
I wonder if these will count toward's Microsoft's Xbox Live MAU numbers...
Hopefully we hear about it some time soon, then.
Switch owners, time to switch to some other platform for your monster hunting needs.
But there's an actual sensible explanation for why it's called Xenoblade 2.
A celebration of Samus's long awaited return.
"I'm a big believer of learning lessons from history."
Focus is currently on Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Destiny 2 will support features "that PC gamers expect."
Game features a "dense single-player mode."
And it's a lot more bad-ass than you think.