Shots fired! Shots fired!
All dedicated servers. All the time.
Any lucky guesses?
Future games to feature five ethnically varied generals.
Faith goes back to basics.
The new FIFA game's improvements detailed.
Which is to say, only one meaning when all is said and done.
Also explosions, because YES.
Not really. But one knows better than to be safe around them.
It has Hoth. That is all.
New Need for Speed movie announced.
Lead an inquisition to restore balance in Dragon Age III.
Harder, stronger, faster, better.
It's time to get...seedy!
Microsoft bring their A game to E3, and hit the ball out of the park.
Explosions, whee!
Some wallpapers for FIFA 14 for your viewing pleasure.
The EA Labels president comments about the perceived state of EA Partners.
Check out what's new with the multiplayer and what returns.