Archive For hideo kojima Tag

Kojima: Metal Gear Solid Remake News is a “Misunderstanding”
Kojima Seeking to Remake Metal Gear Solid Using Fox Engine

Kojima Seeking to Remake Metal Gear Solid Using Fox Engine

Currently looking for a studio capable of the same.

Metal Gear Solid Series Sells over 35.2 Million Copies Worldwide

Metal Gear Solid Series Sells over 35.2 Million Copies Worldwide

Konami reveals the successful legacy of the MGS line.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Extended Red Band Trailer is Here

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Extended Red Band Trailer is Here

And gear up, because it's intense.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Announced for Xbox One

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Announced for Xbox One

Yes. For real this time.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance Announced for PC

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance Announced for PC

PC Version coming time to rejoice

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection – Release Date Announced

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection – Release Date Announced

Get ready for an entire Metal Gear Solid play-through on July 9th 2013

Zone of the Enders sequel scrapped by Kojima

Zone of the Enders sequel scrapped by Kojima

The PS3 versions of previous games will be patched.

Kojima’s games will be multiplatform from now on

Kojima’s games will be multiplatform from now on

Finally he speaks his mind.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain And Ground Zeroes Are Actually Two Different Games (Maybe)

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain And Ground Zeroes Are Actually Two Different Games (Maybe)

In case, you know, you were given reason to think otherwise.

More Metal Gear Solid V details trickle in

More Metal Gear Solid V details trickle in

Raises more questions than answers.

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes: “Ultimate Goal is To Give Players More Freedom”

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes: “Ultimate Goal is To Give Players More Freedom”

A true open world experience is on the cards with the next MGS.

Geoff supposedly posts a pic of Joakim Mogren…what?

Geoff supposedly posts a pic of Joakim Mogren…what?

We're stumped.

Kojima proposes ‘Pilot Episodes’ for next gen

Kojima proposes ‘Pilot Episodes’ for next gen

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue comes to mind.

Hideo Kojima: Episodic Content could be a solution to development costs next gen

Hideo Kojima: Episodic Content could be a solution to development costs next gen

'It’s possible to make many things more realistic.'

Metal Gear Creator: Numbered Titles Will Always Be Created by Kojima Productions, MGR Sequel Still Possible

Metal Gear Creator: Numbered Titles Will Always Be Created by Kojima Productions, MGR Sequel Still Possible

Also looking to increase interaction with the next MGS.

Kojima wants gamers to interact using various devices on PS4

Kojima wants gamers to interact using various devices on PS4

Kojima always has a different thought process than other developers.

Kojima to talk about Fox Engine’s “photorealism” at GDC

Kojima to talk about Fox Engine’s “photorealism” at GDC

"The Core of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes"

Kojima wanted Grey Fox to star in Rising instead of Raiden

Kojima wanted Grey Fox to star in Rising instead of Raiden

Should have pulled rank, Mr. Kojima.

Kojima talks about The Phantom Pain trailer

Kojima talks about The Phantom Pain trailer

And the resemblance to everything Metal Gear Solid.