Archive For hideo kojima Tag

Metal Gear Solid Wouldn’t Exist Without PlayStation- Hideo Kojima

Metal Gear Solid Wouldn’t Exist Without PlayStation- Hideo Kojima

"You can say that thanks to PlayStation Metal Gear Solid existed at all. The role that PlayStation had was to make Metal Gear possible."

Hideo Kojima Responds To Fan Theories About Death Stranding

Hideo Kojima Responds To Fan Theories About Death Stranding

“What I will say is, I wanted people to find those…"

Hideo Kojima’s Family Wants Him To Retire

Hideo Kojima’s Family Wants Him To Retire

But we don't!

Sony: Placing “Too Many Constraints” on Kojima “Not A Wise Thing To Do”

Sony: Placing “Too Many Constraints” on Kojima “Not A Wise Thing To Do”

There is a balance to be had though.

Metal Gear Solid Fans Furious About Konami’s Metal Gear-Themed Pachinko Machine

Metal Gear Solid Fans Furious About Konami’s Metal Gear-Themed Pachinko Machine

The next franchise outing is a panchinko machine.

Hideo Kojima’s New Studio Won’t have More Than 100 People

Hideo Kojima’s New Studio Won’t have More Than 100 People

Defying AAA game development trends since 2015!

Hideo Kojima’s New Game Will Use A Third Party Engine

Hideo Kojima’s New Game Will Use A Third Party Engine

No more FOX Engine.

New Character From Kojima’s Upcoming Game Revealed?

New Character From Kojima’s Upcoming Game Revealed?

Not sure what to think just yet.

Kojima Productions’ Mascot Is Apparently Named… Ludence???

Kojima Productions’ Mascot Is Apparently Named… Ludence???

Kojima teases a mystery in his own inimitable way.

Kenji Yano Joins Kojima Productions

Kenji Yano Joins Kojima Productions

Two auteurs collide.

Hideo Kojima Explains How He Builds His Characters

Hideo Kojima Explains How He Builds His Characters

He thinks about cosplayers as a big part of his plan.

David Hayter Has “No Particular Love” for Hideo Kojima

David Hayter Has “No Particular Love” for Hideo Kojima

Former Metal Gear Solid voice actor sees no need to work with Kojima again.

Hideo Kojima Reveals He’s Using Performance Capture In His Latest Project
Are Hideo Kojima And Norman Reedus Working Together On Upcoming PS4 Console Exclusive?

Are Hideo Kojima And Norman Reedus Working Together On Upcoming PS4 Console Exclusive?

Kojima and Reedus may be working together on Kojima's next big game.

Hideo Kojima Has Only Just Started the Basic Plan For His Studio

Hideo Kojima Has Only Just Started the Basic Plan For His Studio

This is going to be a long wait...

Hideo Kojima Chose Not To Accept His DICE Award For Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Hideo Kojima Chose Not To Accept His DICE Award For Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

However, we all know that he truly deserves it regardless.

Hideo Kojima Spills (Some) Beans On His New, Upcoming Game

Hideo Kojima Spills (Some) Beans On His New, Upcoming Game

It will be something big, and it is not a VR game.

Kojima: ‘It Is A Misconception That My Games Are Expensive, Or Take Too Long To Develop’
Konami Called Out At DICE Awards

Konami Called Out At DICE Awards

Karma and retribution.

Hideo Kojima Meeting With The Walking Dead Star Norman Reedus

Hideo Kojima Meeting With The Walking Dead Star Norman Reedus

Reedus was also famously going to be in Silent Hills, before that project was scrapped.