The first bit of information for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance DLC.
It's not official.
"The Core of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes"
GamesTM UK apparently offered their thoughts on Platinum Games' latest.
The child prodigy returns for the war of the cyborgs.
And she's all grown up.
A mix of waypoint system and enemy locator, it certainly is snazzy.
Get to know your weapons and who to use them on in these new trailers.
A clever nod to the Metal Gear Solid Integral's VR content.
Cut anything. Cut everything. And blow up the rest.
North America? Yeah, we'll get back to you on that.
What was that again about "war never changes"?
Cut everything. Because, you know, it's fun.
And wow, they have every kind of fan covered.
Platinum Games' newest trailer shows us why we should fear the big four.
No cakes, please!
One and the same?
A long 7-minute trailer from Platinum tells us why to fear Raiden.
The demo will be the same as the one released alongside Zone of the Enders HD Collection.
"Tendrils" was the key word here.