Ninja Theory should be pleased.
Other scores inside.
"Let's dance!"
Capcom is impressed with Ninja Theory's work.
Dante kicks ass.
The game is accessible yet difficult enough for DMC veterans to enjoy.
But it's still the same game, haters.
Good game?
Swedish magazine LEVEL reviews the much awaited (but not in a good way) actioner.
Insanity. Plain and simple.
Note: He moves like a demon.
Watch some epic combos by Dante.
The Drakavec and Buzz Saw Tyrant look as vicious as any demon.
Sounds like a pretty good deal.
We play through the first ten chapters of this reboot.
Trailer inside.
Capcom organizes another Q&A session, in which Ninja Theory talks about response to the demo.
Which aren't as basic as they seem.
Use it to unlock rewards in game.
Everything you want to know about the game.