Beating out the PS4 and the Xbox One.
Plus, a new trailer for Splatoon 2.
Publisher "can't wait" to talk about upcoming Switch titles.
So stable...
To be showcased at E3 2017.
Sega, what have you done?
Now what could these be?
Maybe Nintendo owners get to join in on the battle this year after all...
Issues currently being experienced with resolution shifting.
As we move towards a future where our games must fit our lifestyle rather than it being the other way around, is Sony prepared?
Rumours are gathering momentum.
Now all we need is for Konami to release similar revivals for every single other franchise that it owns.
"We're so glad we collaborated with Nintendo on this."
Whereas the physical version comes with the game's OST.
More gamers are aware of the Switch and the Pro than Scorpio to begin with.
At this point, is anyone even surprised?
Unprecedented partnership.
Where do they go from here?