Full trailer to be released on May 20th
New Monster Hunter genre type game finally incoming for the PlayStation platforms?
New Screenshots, Concepts and Key Feature details
Goodbye Online Pass
Diablo III turns one year old
Get ready to play one of the most anticipated titles of this year
Looks like it might be happening according to the creator of GT after all
Huge sales for Ubisoft
Edward Kenway talks about his pirate life
Finally, for the rest of the world, DIG.
Dark Souls 2 will be massive
Includes new features and more trophies
The gates to the underground Moscow metro tunnels are now officially open.
Frostbite powered games in the palm of your hand..
Pac-Man gets a new 3D platforming game
Get ready to rob some banks sometime this August
More DLC is coming afterwards
Like a boss - no, actually, not.
Things are not looking good for the Wii U
New trailer and Blackbeard figurine available for pre-order at uplay