2D Side Scrolling fun
Coming to Steam later this year
Epic Mickey 2 arrives on Vita on June 18th
Begin your adventure on August 27th 2013.
Get ready to see Battlefield 4 Multiplayer on June 10th at EA Press Conference at E3
New items to play with in your Far Cry 3 Map Editor
Awesome CG Trailer + new media for Batman: Arkham Origins
A lot of discounts
Looks awesome + LittleBigPlanet 3 reminder
Dates and prices revealed
Naughty Dog teases multiplayer
And the crowd goes mild.
Wasteland beautiful, survival immediate.
New details for Gran Turismo 6.
Eric Pangilian isn't worried about Next-Generation hype taking away the attention from The Last of Us.
Not challenged enough? Naughty Dog's got you covered.
Get ready to annihilate some aliens in Alien Rage
Now Available for PlayStation 3 and PC
Blizzard talks about Dualshock 4 and the UI for Diablo III on PlayStation 4
Not a big surprise, but still very exciting news