Owner and Director of Roll7 Ltd, Simon Bennett gives us the low down on OlliOlli.
The game's creative director believes that the economic system will form an integral part of the game.
It will encourage replay value of the single player campaign, says creative director Bret Robbins.
"When you buy a game it should work."
Will Fallout 4 look like this?
Someone at Sony messed up.
The best way to spend your $10.
But new information about the game remains unlikely.
The Director at Roll7 gives his thoughts about the PlayStation 4 and Sony's help in understanding the console's API.
Most likely as a deterrent.
Not a 'generational' difference.
Simon Bennett, Director at Roll7 gives his take on the resolution and frame rate debate between PS4 and Xbox One.
Authentic... in 1080p.
Special Destiny and The Last of Us themed PS4 consoles.
Activision in yet another act of hope and expectation smashing in their all new money grabber that had utmost potential.
Despite announcing new DLC, don't expect any more campaign additions.
Creative director Ian Milham wants to do something the series hasn't attempted before.
Sony's PS4 continues its dominance in the United States for the sixth month in a row.