But not for the reasons you think.
DC's superheroes return for next-gen.
Also: Major Nelson of USA takes on AceyBongos of Europe.
There are collectibles to find!
Life under the Black Flag comes with a price.
Suda51's first PS4 title will be heading to the States when it releases.
An assault on the senses.
Raven Software senior producer Derek Racca says "there's no current or next gen engine".
A large of amount of dynamism will be present for each mission.
DICE producer Daniel Matros explains their vision.
Everything looks extremely sleek.
With the power of next gen consoles and cloud, this is very much possible.
ESRAM brings in the right balance for power and performance.
A soft but a strong entry in the long running franchise.
With the advent of next generation consoles does 30FPS vs 60FPS really matter?
Senior creative director Gary Patterson also talks about the new BounceTek.
"I think we're well past the era when mascots exist in video games."
Which they rejected, according to lead designer Eric Boltjes.
Prepared for battle?
The Scientist Supreme finally arrives.