This is not looking good for the Wii U.
Wolfenstein: The New Order, will be running on id Tech 5.
Again, they're not telling what those announcements are but that's the point really.
Graphic engineers Ben Diamand and Cedric Perthuis feel it has its share of challenges.
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Call of Duty Ghosts.
Shuhei Yoshida also says that players will be able to start and quit whenever they like.
Quantic Dream is all praise for the PlayStation 4.
The game will feature a different artstyle compared to the previous games.
Sharing everything? Hold up right there a minute.
Same game experience.
Heavy Rain is no standard for art in video games, despite what Quantic Dream thinks.
All the information you may need about Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag.
Shuhei Yoshida says the new controller won't need a camera to function.
"I don't know where to preorder Ghosts!" - Said no one today.
The console will also have limitations just like the PS3 did.
Diablo is ready to unleash hell on the PlayStation 3 Pre-orders
The game is a launch title for the system.
Says that developers will find a whole lot in the PS4 to help them in the long run.
Fight the city, using the city in the latest gameplay trailer.