Go Shakespeare on some crooks.
The Beta had some problems, but is online now.
Matchmaking and connection issues abound; closed beta continues.
Pre-load the beta now...or start playing if you took part in the previous closed beta.
But Ubisoft claims it is still optimizing.
HBAO+, TXAA and much more in store.
Three maps, 14 operators and a lot of action.
The hardware requirements for the PC version aren't half bad.
Free content, but microtransactions have been confirmed.
The Russian special forces unit doesn't mess around.
Because of course it will.
As well as some new screenshots too!
And tells us as much about it as we are ever likely to learn about an intelligence unit...
Beta participants to receive extra codes to send to friends.
Well, crud.
Eligible participants unable to join initially will benefit from the extra time.
Ubisoft's beta starts with the usual issues and errors.
That said, that may change by the time the final game releases.