Over 101,000 concurrent players on Steam at launch.
Rez creator's trippy puzzler is now available to wishlist on Steam.
The remaster's Epic Games Store exclusivity period is coming to an end.
Tons of Japanese games are on sale.
Developers, shockingly, prefer to make more money.
The cult classic action title returns after a long absence.
The eccentric horror title is probably going to release for Steam some time in 2021.
It's currently in Steam's top ten games based on player count.
From minimum to ultra, an extensive list of what rig you'll need.
Resource Packs, entire worlds and much more can be downloaded from the Workshop.
Much like the previous event, it will feature lots of previews and demos.
It will come alongside the first DLC.
The racing game proved popular on the platform.
The 2019 Porsche 911 GT3 RS is also free till March 14th for all players.
Drive in the mud or to the hoops this weekend, free of charge.
Currently rated 78th among Steam's Top 250 best reviewed games.
Here are all the key details you should know about Iron Gate's survival smash hit.
This version will also include comprehensive crossplay.
Valve's digital platform continues to rise in popularity.
The festival will run till February 9th, 10 AM PST.