Two new mission types in store for fans.
Open world survival horror limb collecting simulation is awesome.
Doug Lombardi puts a damper on bringing Valve titles exclusively to SteamOS.
In comparison it was only a mere 8% across the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2008.
The X universe is vast and there's enough exploration to go with the action.
Join the quest to reunite Didi with her parents.
Cannons, Lasers, Rockets!
Like, for real this time.
To be available for PC, Linux and Mac through Steam, Linux and the dev's site.
"Please DO NOT make the dates of the Sales public."
"We think the PC space ought to have been doing this for quite some time."
Demolition derby-style racing
Quite a humorous incident.
There is some solid fun to be had in Forced, if you can ignore some of its issues.
The origins of the nightmare? Why not?
That's bigger than Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, or Nintendo Network.
Clementine is the protagonist this time around. Also, zombies.
A new nightmare emerges.
Newest game reimagines classic gaming icon.
Plus game gets 75% off as part of the promotion.