Archive For the legend of zelda Tag

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Review

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Review

A modern classic returns.

There was a CG Zelda Movie Being Planned… And Then It Got Canned

There was a CG Zelda Movie Being Planned… And Then It Got Canned

Weep at what might have been.

Nintendo officially confirms HD Zelda for Wii U

Nintendo officially confirms HD Zelda for Wii U

Must. Get. Wii U.

Inarguably The Best Link And Princess Zelda Cosplay

Inarguably The Best Link And Princess Zelda Cosplay

This is literally a treat.

Nintendo deciding between Majora’s Mask remake or Link to the Past remake/sequel for 3DS

Nintendo deciding between Majora’s Mask remake or Link to the Past remake/sequel for 3DS

[caption id="attachment_27597" align="aligncenter" width="505" caption="Ocarina of Time 3D"][/caption] Nintendo gave in to something fans had been demanding for a long time last year when they finall... Read More

Aonuma teases new 3DS Zelda (again)

Aonuma teases new 3DS Zelda (again)

Just like he did a few months back where he announced that the 3DS will be getting more Zelda titles (and they wouldn't be remakes), The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has teased a ne... Read More

Metroid Prime developers could co-develop Zelda, says Miyamoto

Metroid Prime developers could co-develop Zelda, says Miyamoto

Legendary Nintendo design director, who's the father of Mario, Zelda and a ton of other huge names, Shigeru Miyamoto says that Retro Studious could help Nintendo with a future The Legend of Zelda pr... Read More

Aonuma: “Zelda cannot go back to button controls”

Aonuma: “Zelda cannot go back to button controls”

Has anyone realized that the last Zelda game with a normal button based control scheme was Wind Waker? After that, all Zelda games have been either touch based or motion control based. Twilight Prin... Read More

Nintendo “talking recently about going back to the 2D Zelda games”- series producer

Nintendo “talking recently about going back to the 2D Zelda games”- series producer

We've all been clamoring for a A Link to the Past remake for so long now, and Nintendo have not heard our pleas. But it looks like they might be considering something after all. When asked by Games... Read More

Nintendo’s 2012 Concert ‘The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses’ Tour Will Start in Dallas

Nintendo’s 2012 Concert ‘The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses’ Tour Will Start in Dallas

On Jan. 10, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra will kick of the Tour by performing orchestral musical arrangements of music from The Legend of Zelda franchise. The game is celebrating its 25th Annivers... Read More

All new Zelda game coming to the 3DS

All new Zelda game coming to the 3DS

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has announced that an all new Zelda game is in development for the 3DS. This is not another remake, since the dev team felt it wouldn't be right to r... Read More

Zelda producer- Majora’s Mask remake “wouldn’t be an utter impossibility”

Zelda producer- Majora’s Mask remake “wouldn’t be an utter impossibility”

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma says that a remake for Majora's Mask similar to the recent Ocarina of Time remake in a similar fashion is possible. It "wouldn't be an utter impossibi... Read More

Zelda Wii U will ‘not necessarily’ look like the E3 stage demo- Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma

Zelda Wii U will ‘not necessarily’ look like the E3 stage demo- Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma

Back in 2000, when the Gamecube was revealed, Nintendo showed off a tech demo for a Zelda game, with ultra-realistic graphics, with Link dueling with Ganon in what seemed like his chambers. When the... Read More

Zelda: Ocarina of Time with Master Quest Coming to 3DS

Zelda: Ocarina of Time with Master Quest Coming to 3DS

Zelda: Ocarina of Time the Master Quest version(Released on Gamecube) of the game will be released for the Nintendo 3DS this June.  This is big news for any fan of the Zelda games with Ocarina of T... Read More

Top 10 The Legend of Zelda Games Of All Time (#10 – #6)

Top 10 The Legend of Zelda Games Of All Time (#10 – #6)

A series like The Legend of Zelda which has a lot of games, most of them different from each other, evokes passionate responses from quite a few people. In a series which has had games as illustrious ... Read More

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Will Not Feature A Flying Link

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Will Not Feature A Flying Link

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, the next instalment in the bestselling and trend-setting Zelda series, is a bit of an enigma. It's existence wasn't even officially confirmed until very recently, a... Read More

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake for the 3DS Confirmed

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake for the 3DS Confirmed

As per ING, a remake of the old N64 masterpiece, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- what is, till date, said to be the best game ever created by the majority of serious gamers- has been confirmed t... Read More

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Releasing Next Year

E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Releasing Next Year

Earlier today at Nintendo's E3 showing, Miyamoto announced that the much hyped Zelda title, slated to be a "re-boot", will be releasing in 2011 for the Wii. The game is titled Skyward Sword. A teas... Read More