A new competitive free to play shooter is in the works featuring various Tom Clancy properties but is Ubisoft falling behind the curb yet again?
The announcement coincides with Valorant's one year anniversary. Riot's latest hit released exactly one year ago today.
Players can opt-in to the new moderation system or stop using voice chat.
Changes to chat-based offenses are also coming in patch 2.04.
Numerous changes should make Split more favorable for attackers.
The newest Agent is out later today.
The new agent uses teleport against enemies.
Which characters are skilled at dealing death from afar? Check out 15 of them here.
The next Agent uses a variety of gadgets to outsmart foes.
The next Agent packs a turret, nanobot grenade, and other interesting skills.
The free to play shooter's first Ultra Edition skin bundle is out tomorrow.
You can't help but stop and admire these animations, even in the thick of battle.
The Controller can be extremely powerful in the right ahnds.
Hitting the ground running, it seems.
The competitive-focused mode has seen a few changes, including a new name for "Valorant" rank.
Tagging is also nerfed.
Check out these different aiming exercises to use in the Practice Range.
Why don't you walk out about twenty yards and stand still for me?
Riot Games won't release their tactical shooter on consoles if they have to compromise the experience in any way.
Essential pointers to get acquainted with Riot's tactical shooter.