Archive For Xbox One Tag

Metal Gear Solid V: Paz Confirmed as Patient from Trailer, Bipedal Mech Playable

Metal Gear Solid V: Paz Confirmed as Patient from Trailer, Bipedal Mech Playable

Strangelove from Peace Walker also returning?

Call of Duty: Ghosts Wiki : Everything you need to know about the game

Call of Duty: Ghosts Wiki : Everything you need to know about the game

Everything you need to know about Call of Duty: Ghosts

FIFA 14 Versus PES 14: Which One Should You Pick?

FIFA 14 Versus PES 14: Which One Should You Pick?

A low down of what to expect from two of the biggest football games this year.

Watch_Dogs Multiplayer Trailer Leaked: Hack Targets and Evade Pursuit

Watch_Dogs Multiplayer Trailer Leaked: Hack Targets and Evade Pursuit

Check out how Watch_Dogs multiplayer will function.

Microsoft: “No Plans to Reduce Xbox One’s Price”

Microsoft: “No Plans to Reduce Xbox One’s Price”

Microsoft "excited" about day one value the console provides.

Forza 5 Developer Best Explains Cloud Technology: Create AI Agents to Win For You

Forza 5 Developer Best Explains Cloud Technology: Create AI Agents to Win For You

'The end of artificial intelligence' explained.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Receives Season Pass DLC

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Receives Season Pass DLC

Play as first mate as Adewale among other extras.

Thief Confirmed for Release on Xbox 360 and PS3

Thief Confirmed for Release on Xbox 360 and PS3

To release simultaneously across all platforms in 2014.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Receives 49 Awards for E3 2013

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Receives 49 Awards for E3 2013

"Best Game of E3" and "Best RPG of E3" included.

Pachter: Xbox One Price Could Be Lowered to $399 Next Year

Pachter: Xbox One Price Could Be Lowered to $399 Next Year

Depending on its success, we could see a price cut fairly early in the console's life cycle.

Xbox One: Five Reasons We’ll Never be Satisfied

Xbox One: Five Reasons We’ll Never be Satisfied

Where did Microsoft go wrong? And could it have been prevented?

Activision Publishing CEO: “We Want to be Wherever Gamers Are”

Activision Publishing CEO: “We Want to be Wherever Gamers Are”

Eric Hirshberg talks about how offering special deals like timed exclusive DLC "helps us launch games".

Aaron Greenberg: Will Continue to Add Features to Xbox One Over the Years

Aaron Greenberg: Will Continue to Add Features to Xbox One Over the Years

Says most consumers wanted the choic

Fez 2 Designer: “Microsoft Won’t Let me Develop for Their Console”

Fez 2 Designer: “Microsoft Won’t Let me Develop for Their Console”

Phil Fish explains why the sequel won't be on Xbox One.

Ryse: Son of Rome Hands On Impressions – Take The War On The Barbarians

Ryse: Son of Rome Hands On Impressions – Take The War On The Barbarians

Bloody Action Title

EA Confirms No Kinect Motion Control for FIFA 14

EA Confirms No Kinect Motion Control for FIFA 14

No Kinect for FIFA 14 this year

Jonathan Blow Mocks Xbox One Again, Terms One-Off Online Activation As “Bad”

Jonathan Blow Mocks Xbox One Again, Terms One-Off Online Activation As “Bad”

Agrees that E3 2013 would've been a better place to do a "reset".

The Witcher 3: “Standalone Engine Team” Handling Cross-Platform Work

The Witcher 3: “Standalone Engine Team” Handling Cross-Platform Work

This will mark the developer's first cross-platform simultaneous release.

The Witcher 3 Dev: “If you Try to do Too Much, You End up With an Average, Crappy Game”

The Witcher 3 Dev: “If you Try to do Too Much, You End up With an Average, Crappy Game”

Executive producer John Mamais on implementing unique features versus the amount of time they'd take.

Xbox One Asia Release Date Remains Unchanged

Xbox One Asia Release Date Remains Unchanged

Asia launch remains unchanged