So assemble or something?
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Avail amazing discounts within the first 24 hours of pre-ordering.
Open beta available on January 2014.
A holiday card features all properties due for release. Except Fallout 4 of course.
Tons of discounts and daily deals on offer for more than a hundred games.
Apparently, the franchise will see one current-gen and one next-gen game out next year.
Humans and vampires clash for control in Nosgoth.
With next gen consoles comes better tools.
The Indian retailer also has a special event planned for Team Elite members.
Bioware Edmonton/Montreal's Aaryn Flynn is having fun with the next edition of Mass Effect.
To be available online and at retail.
But Watch Dogs never "started life" as a Driver game.
The first DLC has been delayed for "extra polishing".
A new Ninja Gaiden is coming. But will it be any good?
Expect to see Watch Dogs, Dying Light and Thief for PS4 in India next year.
The open world hacker is still very much bustling.
The port will be handled by indie dev Four Door Lemon.
EA's failure to correct Battlefield 4's bugs has earned it another lawsuit.