This will make you play Fallout 3 all over again.
Specially after Ryse And Dead Rising 3 ditch their Xbox One exclusivity.
Why The Order could go on to define a new genre of gaming.
15 of the most bad ass headshots of all time.
And of course, this automatically applies to gaming PCs.
These baddies will put the fear in you.
A catalog of some of the best trolls the game industry has given us.
Bringing closer to its original vision.
Because everyone needs a favorite list of heroes.
15 unique ways to give vent to the impending madness in the fourth iteration of Far Cry.
Think you know your Heroes?
Visceral's cops vs. crooks experience still feels suspiciously like ye olde Battlefield.
A paltry bit of the plethora of fun that was beheld at E3 2014.
Who's watching the watchers? Who's watching the gamers? Who's watching the readers?
Nintendo, you better be listening.
This E3 Ruled.
How Id Software can take DOOM to new heights.
Nintendo surprises us with its impressive series of games announcements.
Movies, TV, media, apps, multiplats, timed exclusives. Now who does that remind me of?