"Titanfall 2 will be an incredible multiplayer experience."
The grand daddy of Gears of War himself speaks up.
"I just think it's bad."
What a messy launch.
"60fps has always been my personal preference."
The free to play, PS4 exclusive emerges after a long lull.
Many players report the game crashing at the first bonfire.
Refrain from doing anything till the April Update arrives though.
What should we expect?
The April Update is smaller in size than you think.
"We apologize that the excitement of launch and the start of the season has been soured by these issues. "
It's a good primer for the release.
Tabata on design concepts in Final Fantasy XV.
Is it too late to pre-order now?
Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore.
Just a little while longer.
It's basically Skyrim.
That's probably going to be disturbing to a lot of faint hearted people.