Could these be the two games THQ Nordic is set to reveal at E3 this year?
The dragon could be gliding onto PC soon.
The indie-developed Zelda title could be out sooner than we thought.
Gameplay footage and release date announcement reportedly inbound.
Konami's classic run and gun property has popped up in a retailer listing.
Could the fantasy epic be coming to the Switch?
The hype train has left the station.
More evidence points to a possible E3 2019 announcement.
It looks like The Coalition has grand ambitions with the upcoming sequel.
The mobile version has reportedly been in development for more than a year.
When you play the game of rumors, you live or you get debunked.
A recent leak has shed light on a many new changes possibly being made to the RPG.
Might we be getting our hands on the long-awaited remake at long last?
With a Norse mythology setting and focus on horseback open world exploration.
Managers apparently "had to calm workers" and assure that next-gen console plans weren't affected.
Take this with a grain of salt.
Who you gonna call? The Taiwan Digital Game Rating Committee!
Could this be the cover and launch date for the next game in Microsoft’s franchise?
It’s possible the RPG could be coming to Switch.
A mistake by Ubisoft showed the next Ghost Recon a little ahead of schedule.