Bungie has revealed when the final hotfix for Destiny 2 will go live before Forsaken launches. It will be on September 4th at 7 AM PDT, which is when players will no longer be able to log in. Hotfix will roll out at this time and Destiny 2 will go offline at 7:30 AM PDT. Maintenance will conclude at 10 AM PDT and Forsaken will be available for all platforms.
Along with granting access to the new DLC, hotfix will provide a number of fixes for some known issues. The list of issues that Bungie is tracking can be seen below:
- We are aware of an issue impacting players’ ability to obtain specific loot from the Nightfall strike “Strange Terrain.” This issue should be resolved on September 4 with Update
- The XP bar is not showing XP gains for players at the level cap. This is a UI issue, and all players will continue to earn XP and Bright Engrams at their expected rates. This issue is expected to be resolved on September 4 with Hotfix
- We are currently investigating an issue that causes the precision multiplier for some weapons with explosive rounds to be incorrectly capped, making them deal less total damage than intended.
- We are investigating reports of issues impacting sandbox gameplay, including Hand Cannon recoil on PC and aiming down sights not cancelling properly.
- Some Year 2 Forsaken weapons and armor may drop prematurely from world loot sources. Items awarded to players early may see minor changes following Hotfix and the launch of Destiny 2: Forsaken on September 4.
- Some objectives that require Heroic strikes will not be achievable until Hotfix on September 4.
- Players who still have the “Spicy Ramen” quest will not be able to complete it because the ramen shop is no longer distributing expired coupons.
Destiny 2: Forsaken is the latest DLC for the shared world shooter. Along with introducing a new story, there will be tons of lore for players to partake in, a new raid (which goes live on September 14th), new Supers and new weapons to earn. The Tangled Shore and The Dreaming City will be the new zones as players hunt Barons across them. The newest PvP mode is actually a PvEvP hybrid called Gambit, which will have a free trial for all players on September 1st.