With Halo Infinite going gold ahead of the campaign’s release next week, Microsoft has been ramping up its promotion. It’s released not one but two new trailers – the first being live-action which views conflicts throughout human history and the rise of heroes against the backdrop of Master Chief’s battle. Check it out below.
The second is like a continuation of the first but purely cinematic. It sees Chief doing what he does best – disassembling the enemy in many creative ways. This includes grappling a Gravity Hammer from a Banished soldier and smacking them with it, something which is very much possible in the campaign and multiplayer.
Halo Infinite’s campaign releases on December 8th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC with a day one release on Xbox Game Pass. Its multiplayer beta is already available with its first event, Tenrai: Fracture, currently ongoing. For gameplay footage from the campaign, head here and here.