One of the greatest games ever made is now playable on modern systems. That, honestly, is enough.
Check out Vegito Blue's moves, including the devastating Final Kamehameha.
So Bandi Namco heard you like Goku...
The character design looks amazing!
Chapter 3 will be rewritten and rescripted with updated characters.
Prepare to have your network die.
That doesn't sound too unlikely.
Tons of balance changes and gameplay improvements also coming this Wednesday.
At last, we see it in action.
Bandai Namco's Atsuo Yoshimura also explains the lack of HDR support.
Another Nintendo game benefitting from the Switch.
Against all odds, Ni no Kuni 2 did well.
The twisted god joins the battle between the Z-Fighters.
Remaster your preparations for death.
We also get to see companion characters Louis and Mia using different attacks.
The game was initially set to release across all platforms on May 25.
Those are some really cool names.
So, Switch owners get to wait again.
Please, please be a Xenosaga trilogy remaster.
We also get to see the player character and a companion character go up against enemies in these regions.