"It’s about thinking, discovering, tracking down clues, and sometimes just a bit of luck to get through the various traps, tombs, and threats encountered," says Lucasfilm Games executive producer Cr...
"He knows this character inside and out, has the physicality to bring Indy to life, and understands the nuances of Harrison [Ford]’s portrayal," says Lucasfilm Games' Craig Derrick.
"The primary way forward is always trying to use your wits and your whip," says creative director Axel Torvenius.
Players can also use organic material to create disgusting new grenades and may run into other faction members on Va'ruun'kai.
"I can understand that perspective, watching from the outside in, but no. Absolutely not," said Bethesda Game Studios' Jon Rush.
Developer MachineGames has revealed more gameplay details on its upcoming first-person action-adventure title, which launches this December.
"Indiana Jones, he's not a gunslinger, right? He doesn't go guns blazing into situations. So it could never be a shooter, should never be a shooter," says design director Jens Andersson.
"For the people who want to experience everything, there are a lot of things to explore, and it's a really big game," says MachineGames.
Players that want to take a break from Shattered Space will also be free to leave the new planet and return at any time.
The success of releasing Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves, and Grounded on other platforms emboldened Xbox, Phil Spencer suggests.
The expansion will launch for Xbox Series X/S and PC on September 30, bringing players to Dazra, an entirely new city that serves as the mysterious House Va'ruun's capital.
Story expansion The Order of Giants has also been officially announced, and it will be included with both editions.
A new gameplay overview highlights the exotic and deadly locations that Indy travels to, alongside the tools he'll use in his adventure.
The Rev-8 will not only serve as a buggy that you can drive anywhere, it will also come equipped with weapons and jetpacks.
The upcoming first-person action-adventure title will launch as a timed exclusive for Xbox Series X/S and PC this December, before coming to PS5 next year, it's claimed.
Amidst endless demand of a new Fallout game, Bethesda Game Studios continues to focus on anything but.
Amidst rumours that another major Xbox title will be announced for PlayStation soon, it's now claimed that several others are also in the pipeline.
MachineGames' single-player action-adventure title is set to launch for Xbox Series X/S and PC sometime later this year, and is confirmed to be making an appearance at Gamescom Opening Night Live.
MachineGames' first-person action adventure is coming to Xbox Series X/S and PC this year, with a release date yet to be announced.
Shortly after being shuttered by Microsoft, Tango Gameworks is being revived by Krafton, with plans to expand the Hi-Fi Rush IP also in place.